January 14, 2025
Pause Before You Post
The call came while Simcha was driving his friend Moshe and his wife to a wedding. An unfamiliar number flashed on his screen. It was the chevra kaddisha.
"Are you on speaker?" the man on the other end asked quietly.
"No, I'm not."
"Tragically, ...
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Mrs. Hilda Grunberg
Rabbi Mordechai Grunberg
Mrs. Miriam Safer
Mrs. Surry Stokar
Ms. Madeline Grunberg
Mrs. Dina Rosner
Mrs. Yehudis Krigsman
Mrs. Susie Schwab
Mrs. Pamela Metzger
Mrs. Henny Kutsher
R` Yitzchok Grossman
Mrs. Mindy Weiss
Mrs. Shaindy Perlow
R' Daniel Feldstein
R` Stuart Schwartz
Mrs. CArol Flamer
Rabbi Zalmen Mindell
Mr. Matt/Mordechai Mindell
Mrs. Sarah Zajac
R' Duvid Yitzchok Brachfeld
R' Mendel Brachfeld
R' Henoch Brachfeld
R' Tuli Brachfeld
R` Moshe Patchen
R` Nachum Patchen
Mrs Dassy From
Ms. Chaya Patchen
Ms. Ariella Patchen
Ms. Jackie Patchen