misaskim alleviates tragedy with compassion, coordinates crisis with expertise, and provides a multi-faceted array of services for the bereaved.
Misaskim's mission is to provide support and assistance to individuals experiencing crisis or tragedy by providing them with vital bereavement services, all-the-while safeguarding the dignity of the deceased. Misaskim's wide array of services for the bereaved include physical and moral support that assist the grief-stricken with their many challenges during crisis or loss.

our mission
Throughout life's darkest moments, Misaskim is a source of compassion, encouragement, light, warmth and direction.
shiva house deliveries this past year
Aveilim serviced this past year
mesei Mitzvah buried this past year
miscarriage/ nefalim burials this past year
Yesomim and almanos outreach/ support
autopsies/ cremations prevented this past year
Alleviating tragedy with compassion.
Coordinating crisis with expertise.
Alleviating tragedy with compassion.
Coordinating crisis with expertise.