Mourners' Needs
Essential Shiva Furniture
Aveilim Listings
Sefer Torah & Sefarim Gmach
Aveilim Listings
Sefer Torah & Sefarim Gmach
After the death of an immediate family member, Misaskim provides items needed for observing the customs of shiva, the week of mourning. Misaskim's mourners' services ensure that the week of shiva (mourning) is a little bit more comforting and comfortable by providing aveilim (mourners) with various necessities, including low chairs, siddurim (prayer books), Torah scrolls, folding chairs and other portable furniture, a guide to the customs of shiva, and many other items of need. They deliver these items free of charge, to over 8,000 mourners, annually, using a fleet of 16 vehicles operating out of 9 warehouses.

Care for the Deceased
Prevention of Autopsies/Cremation
Emergency Funeral Equipment
Burials for the Indigent
Emergency Funeral Equipment
Burials for the Indigent
Misaskim safeguards the dignity of the deceased by advocating for prevention of autopsies and/or cremation, and educating government officials, medical examiners and coroners regarding mandated respect to the Jewish departed. Misaskim assists other Hebrew burial societies, providing sound systems, generator-powered lights for nighttime burials and solving many logistical problems in order to arrange a funeral in a timely manner.

Emergency Disaster/Recovery
Expediting Funerals
Emergency Transports
Ritual Cleansing at Accident Scenes
Emergency Transports
Ritual Cleansing at Accident Scenes
During major catastrophes or accidents with Jewish casualties, Misaskim dispatches a team of volunteers to any location in the United States on a moment's notice. These angels of compassion operate swiftly and with utmost sensitivity, always providing – selflessly - for the needs of our community. Trained volunteers clear accident and crime scenes upon request by local law enforcement.

burial arrangements
Meis Mitzvah
Miscarriage/Stillborn Interment
Funeral Coordination
Miscarriage/Stillborn Interment
Funeral Coordination
Misaskim provides burial plots and arranges for funerals for the indigent and other family-less deceased, trained volunteers are dispatched to hospitals to retrieve the remains of stillborn and miscarried fetuses and arranges for reduced rate burials, thus easing the pain of the parents at this trying time.

Age-appropriate Gifts
Holiday Trips
Crisis Management
Holiday Trips
Crisis Management
Misaskim's Project Yedid program reaches out to the orphans and surviving spouse of the recently deceased with a plethora of age-appropriate services, holiday trips, gifts, and, when necessary, crisis intervention and guidance counseling.

Safety Awareness
Educating Law Enforcement
Working with Medical Examiners
Educating Law Enforcement
Working with Medical Examiners
The laws and customs of Jewish burial are foreign to most law enforcement agencies. Misaskim educates and advocates to the appropriate legal departments, medical examiners, coroners, and other such agencies that may interact with Jewish families upon the death of a loved one. Misaskim also takes a lead in safety awareness directly to the Jewish community in order to, hopefully, alleviate the need for Misaskim's emergency services.