Shavuos 5783: Flowers + Cheesecake + A Whole Lot of Heart
May 24, 2023
For almanos and yesomim, Shavuos can be a painful reminder of the missing person in their lives.
It's a time when their loss is magnified tenfold.
Pulling the all-nighter in Shul... without Totty.
Going to daven... without Totty.
Preparing the milchige kiddush and seudah... without Mommy.
That's why Project Yedid of Misaskim delivered heartwarming Shavuos packages with fresh flowers and delicious cheesecakes to 700 families.
The packages can't erase the pain, but they can make it feel more manageable.
Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers and cheesecake. I told my family that it's a hug from Ta.
a recipient of our Shavuos package
Can you imagine that? The packages had the power to make them feel embraced, remembered,
and cared for.
It's a time when their loss is magnified tenfold.
Pulling the all-nighter in Shul... without Totty.
Going to daven... without Totty.
Preparing the milchige kiddush and seudah... without Mommy.
That's why Project Yedid of Misaskim delivered heartwarming Shavuos packages with fresh flowers and delicious cheesecakes to 700 families.
The packages can't erase the pain, but they can make it feel more manageable.
Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers and cheesecake. I told my family that it's a hug from Ta.
a recipient of our Shavuos package
Can you imagine that? The packages had the power to make them feel embraced, remembered,
and cared for.
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