Hundreds of Yisomim Participate in Misaskim's Chol Hamoed Event
October 24, 2011
A dozen coach buses carrying more than 600 yisomim arrived in Manhattan Beach last week on Monday, the third day of Chol Hamoed. The children who were traveling on those buses came from a variety of locations throughout the tri-state area, including Boro Park, the Five Towns, Flatbush, Lakewood, Long Island, Monroe, Monsey, New Square, Queens, and Williamsburg. They came to participate in Misaskim's Chol Hamoed Sukkos event, designed to provide a day of celebration and fun for those who have suffered the loss of a parent. This year's Chol Hamoed Sukkos outing took place at beautiful Manhattan Beach, on nearly 10 acres of oceanfront.
The children were treated to a unique array of activities in the morning. A jumbotron screen was set up at the arena so that the youngsters could watch several presentations, one of which outlined daily activities at a Coca Cola bottling facility. The children learned how Coca Cola glass bottles are made from sand and they watched Coca Cola cans being filled at the astonishing rate of 1,700 cans per minute! Kiddy rides were also set up at the arena to entertain the younger children. Misaskim then arranged for a fascinating trampoline show that was performed by world-class athletes.
At midday, the families were transported to Boro Park where a 5,500 square foot sukkah was set up specifically for this event. A seudas yomtov, prepared by a local caterer, was served in the sukkah, after which everyone assembled for a mega Simchas Bais Hashoevah at the Tiferes Bais Rivkah Hall. Musical entertainment was provided by the popular singer, Shloime Daskal and by the Shira Choir. The twelve-piece band that performed was led by Ari Teitelbaum. The joy was palpable as the hall reverberated with intense dancing and singing that lasted for more than three hours. Numerous rabbonim joined in the celebration and warmly embraced the children.
The Twins from France arrived at the hall toward the end of the day, when the dancing and singing had begun to wind down. They gave a spectacular performance that elicited an enthusiastic response from the children. The Twins' performance was followed, among others, by a juggling show and the Dancing Dummies.
Before the youngsters boarded the buses to return to their homes, they each received a digital camera, complete with all accessories. Children under the age of seven also received a Mitzvah Kinder set. These gifts were generously donated by an anonymous philanthropist.
"My children had a wonderful, wonderful time," one mother told a Misaskim volunteer after the event. "You have given them the utmost. I haven't seen them so uplifted in the last year or so," she said.
Misaskim coordinates these Chol Hamoed outings twice each year, but it is only due to the assistance of a dedicated team of Misaskim volunteers who tirelessly devote their time and energy to these projects time after time, that each outing is such an unqualified success. Because of these very special individuals, Misaskim remains the premier innovator of community services.
The children were treated to a unique array of activities in the morning. A jumbotron screen was set up at the arena so that the youngsters could watch several presentations, one of which outlined daily activities at a Coca Cola bottling facility. The children learned how Coca Cola glass bottles are made from sand and they watched Coca Cola cans being filled at the astonishing rate of 1,700 cans per minute! Kiddy rides were also set up at the arena to entertain the younger children. Misaskim then arranged for a fascinating trampoline show that was performed by world-class athletes.
At midday, the families were transported to Boro Park where a 5,500 square foot sukkah was set up specifically for this event. A seudas yomtov, prepared by a local caterer, was served in the sukkah, after which everyone assembled for a mega Simchas Bais Hashoevah at the Tiferes Bais Rivkah Hall. Musical entertainment was provided by the popular singer, Shloime Daskal and by the Shira Choir. The twelve-piece band that performed was led by Ari Teitelbaum. The joy was palpable as the hall reverberated with intense dancing and singing that lasted for more than three hours. Numerous rabbonim joined in the celebration and warmly embraced the children.
The Twins from France arrived at the hall toward the end of the day, when the dancing and singing had begun to wind down. They gave a spectacular performance that elicited an enthusiastic response from the children. The Twins' performance was followed, among others, by a juggling show and the Dancing Dummies.
Before the youngsters boarded the buses to return to their homes, they each received a digital camera, complete with all accessories. Children under the age of seven also received a Mitzvah Kinder set. These gifts were generously donated by an anonymous philanthropist.
"My children had a wonderful, wonderful time," one mother told a Misaskim volunteer after the event. "You have given them the utmost. I haven't seen them so uplifted in the last year or so," she said.
Misaskim coordinates these Chol Hamoed outings twice each year, but it is only due to the assistance of a dedicated team of Misaskim volunteers who tirelessly devote their time and energy to these projects time after time, that each outing is such an unqualified success. Because of these very special individuals, Misaskim remains the premier innovator of community services.
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