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ספר העמודים
הקדשת נדיבי ישראל: זכות עמוד שלם בספר התורה
Acquire the zechus of an Amud in a Sefer Torah
Torah mobilecss of 4
Dedications start at $613

For Our Sake

Our days are riddled with uncertainty, worries and fears. Yet one thing that has remained a constant is our Torah. From the Spanish Inquisition to the barracks, from the joy to the persecution, the words of the Torah always gave us strength, comfort and guidance.

For Every Yid

The Sifrei Amudim will be written for each of us; for our ups and downs; for our successes and fears; for the past, the present and the future; for our commitment to Torah; for our Ahavas Hashem; for a witness that we are still here.

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Misaskim is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.