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ספר היתומים
הנצחות לכבוד משפחות של יתומים תפארת אבותם
Eternalize the memory of a yosom's parent
Torah stylecss of 3
Dedications start at $2,500

For The Yesomim

A happy-go-lucky 12 year old suddenly takes the role of mother; a young bar mitzvah boy becomes an adult overnight; so many young children face life without a mother or father. So many young yesomim are forced to grow up too soon, too fast. The daily grind doesn't allow them to tend to their aching hearts, to honor the loss that has changed them forever.

For Their Strength

Let's give yesomim the gift of honoring their parent in a Sefer Torah that yesomim just like them will use during their most trying times. Let's give yesomim the gift of a parsha chosen for their parent, a loving memory of a person they will never forget.

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Misaskim is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.