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ספר הילדים
שם ושארית לתשב"ר שנפטרו בדמי ימיהם
Eternalize the memory of the children that were taken from us at a young age
Torah mobilecss of 3
Dedications start at $2,500

For Our Children

Those little matzeivas in every Bais Hachaim for those lives torn away too soon; for the little children taken at the prime of their life. Their smile halted. Their innocence gone. Who will remember their young lives? Who will remember their shining eyes and tender hearts?

For The Lives Not Lived

The Sifrei Hayeladim is a legacy for the lives they didn't get to live, an aliyas neshama for the mitzvos they didn't get to do, a memorial for the futures they didn't get to build.

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